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26 October 2024
National Honey Show
The National Honey show was held over three days at Sandown Park racecourse.
There were over 2,500 entries in over 350 categories.
We were delighted to be successful in 2 categories at this prestigious show, again awarded First Prize for our Honeycomb and First Prize for our runny honey.
1st September 2024
Surrey County Honey Show
Success for our honeycomb (Cut Comb) at the county show. We were awarded First Prize for our round sections of honeycomb, perfectly made by our hard working bees.
27 June 2024.
At long last a surplus honey crop from our hard working bees.
See our HONEY page for more details.
This same week has seen swarming activity where we have been called out to collect swarms of honeybees. One extremely large (prime) swarm was taken to our apiary and left overnight. The following day we prepared one of our larger beehives to relocate them into but the bees had other ideas and had absconded by the time we arrived with all the equipment!
Two other swarms were successfully caught and they appear to be very happy in their new homes.
16 June 2024
Inspected all hives today for surplus honey. Unfortunately with the cold and wet weather the bees have struggled to forage for nectar from which they make honey. When it rains the bees still need to eat so being confined to the hive they eat their stores (honey).
With a warm dry spell being forecast over the coming days we are hopeful the bees will give us some surplus honey by the end of the month.
5 June 2024
Unfortunately still no honey due to the very wet Spring we have had. We are hopeful the bees will have been able to forage for nectar with this relatively dry warm spell and by the middle of June we will have honey for sale.
Keep an eye on our ‘Honey’ page for the latest news on honey for sale.
26 April 2024 …
We have had quite a few recent enquiries about honey for sale.
Last years’ crop was all sold by December but we are hopeful our bees will work hard and give us a surplus crop of Spring Honey. Hopefully this will be by mid/end of May subject to the weather.
March 2024 …
Thankfully our bees have survived the winter which included some very chilly nights and days.
The queens are starting to lay again as the foraging bees have started bringing in pollen which is protein for the young larva.
The bees making the most of the sunshine today bringing in plenty of pollen (protein) for the brood. They carry the pollen back to the hive on their rear legs (pollen baskets). See photo below….

A good day for flying……..