Please use our ‘Contact Us’ page if you wish to purchase our honey.
Prices (held at 2023 prices)
1lb (454g) jar £9.50p and 8oz (227g) jar £5.50p
Scroll down for the LATEST NEWS.

Honeybees collect nectar for feeding themselves, the nurse bees that are not yet able to fly, and for the nurse bees in turn to feed the bee larvae.
The nurse bees turn nectar into honey for storage purposes and seal it in beeswax honeycomb cells for use when there is no food source (ie. winter).
If our bees produce enough surplus honey (that is, more than they need during the summer and more importantly for their winter stores), then we remove it from the hive, coarse filter it just once to remove particles of beeswax and then bottle it into sterilised jars. Unlike supermarket honey, we do not ‘fine filter’ our honey, therefore there are microscopic particles of pollen left in. Some people say this helps alleviate hay fever symptoms, but this is not scientifically proven.
Again, unlike most supermarket honey, we do not pasteurise our honey, so in time it is possible our honey may crystallise. This is in fact a sign of good untreated / unadulterated pure / raw beekeepers honey, the best you can buy.
We sell our bees honey at local church / school events and also via Kingston Beekeepers Association when they are represented at various street markets. Our delicious Kingston Vale honey is VERY popular and demand always exceeds supply.
Our honey is sold in two size jars, 454g (1lb), 227g (8oz).
We also sell Raw Honeycomb subject to our bees fully drawing the cells and sealing in the honey.
See top of screen for latest prices.
We operate a ‘Not For Profit’ basis. ALL proceeds from selling honey and other hive products contribute towards the cost of helping us care for our bees.

October 2024..
FIRST PRIZE has been awarded for our runny honey at the prestigious NATIONAL HONEY SHOW.
We were also awarded First Prize for our Honeycomb both at the National Honey Show and the Surrey County Honey Show …. Well done to our bees.
27 June 2024..
At long last our hard working bees have produced a surplus crop of honey.
It is a delicious pale honey, typical in look and flavour of spring honey we experience in Kingston Vale.
We have contacted everybody on our waiting list but if you think you were on our list and have not been contacted then please do send us a message.
16 June 2024..
Inspected our hives today and still no honey from our bees due to the cool wet weather, but with a warm dry spell forecast over the coming days we are hopeful for a surplus crop by the end of the month.
5 June 2024..
We would normally have our delicious tasting Spring honey by now but the heavy and persistent rain has meant the bees have been unable to get out regularly and forage for nectar. Our next inspection will be mid June when hopefully we will be able to extract surplus honey.
April 2024..
We are waiting for our bees to produce a surplus crop of Spring Honey.
Subject to the weather we are hoping this will be mid to late May but as soon as it is available we will update this page and also send an email to all those customers on our waiting list.